
Lucio's Rambles

My Death Was Greatly Exaggerated

August 01, 2024

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Hey all!

Despite barely having posted since may, I am still not dead. Shocking, I know. If any of you had my blog on your RSS feeds and are now trying to rack your brains to figure out why you’re following me - my sincere apologies. Anywho, what’ve I been up to in this period of relative death?

Firstly and most excitingly - I’ve finished uni! Like, fully finished! I turned in my final project, gotten passing grades on everything, and I have to move out of my dorm room within the next 30 days. It feels surreal, I’ll be honest. Now that I’ve had time to properly digest the fact it’s over I’m better able to handle it, but the very first thought I had after stepping out of my final exam was a sense of sheer euphoria and excitement, followed sharply by a feeling of “Huh. Now what do I do.”

No, for real, what do I do? I have a job already so that’s covered, I look for a new apartment I guess, possibly a better job, but… that’s it? This is life now? I expected some more bells and whistles somewhere deep in my head but… yeah, that’s it. I’ve finished all of my “structures” (school, army, uni) and now I’m all on my own to figure out what the fuck do I do with myself for every day for the rest of my life. Honestly I could handle this.

On the topic of moving out - I am moving to Tel Aviv! I think. Tel Aviv is the big, sprawling city in Israel where all the good tech jobs are and where the privilege of existence costs you 200 shekels per picosecond. I am not very much a fan of claustrophobic urban construction but pretty much everyone I know either loves or despises living in tel aviv with pretty much no inbetween, so I decided to take a chance on it and just go try it out. I’m only renting, so worst case scenario I move out after a few months, no harm no foul. Looking for my first apartment on my own is also a bit of a daunting challenge, but I’m sure I’ll get that done before long.

I’ve started looking for a proper job, too. Up until now my job was a decent-paying but overall dead-end QA job, so I’ve started looking for actual full-time employment at a company where I’ll actually be working all the time rather than doing leetcode challenges and watching anime on my phone. It was very useful during uni to be able to do homework while at work, but now I want job experience and money. My standards for what counts as “a job I am willing to send my CV towards” have nosedived within about a month, going from “I will only send my CV towards programming jobs in the gaming industry!” to “QA tester for a webtech company? sure, close enough.” My past self would be so disappointed lol.

What else… Oh! I’ve got my own website going! Like, unique domain, coded myself, all that jazz. I’ve even got an email set up to it. Right now the only thing there is an archive for an RP server I’m in (shut up :<) but in the future I’ll move my blog content to a blog over there rather than bearblog. When I do that I’ll make a post about it and talk a bit more about the site itself, but that’s for the future.

That’s it for now. I’m going to try to post more regularly, around once a week~ish, but that’s all I got going for now!